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Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy – a comprehensive journey from causes to solutions

Ouch! What was that?

A few years ago, a friend of ours was on her daily commute whilst about six-months pregnant.  As she walked from the station car park to her train platform, she saw her train approaching and broke into a brisk jog in order to catch it (in heels, with her heavy laptop in tow).  Almost immediately she felt a searing pain in the front of her pelvis.  Resuming to a walking pace she felt the pain subside a little, but her pelvis felt different and the pain continued throughout the following days.

Pomegranate paradise (and other foods that will elevate your wellbeing)

One of our team was lucky enough to just return from a holiday in the Aegean part of Southern Turkey.  Whilst away, they were on their way to a restaurant one warm evening, when they brushed against an overhanging tree branch containing an enormous quantity of pomegranates in various stages of growth.  Now aware of a local and abundant product, they tracked down some pomegranate juice to try (when in Rome and all that…).

Everything you need to know about foot care when exercising

A lot of us are currently out and about, pounding the pavements and parks making the most of summer.  There are endless reasons to run and walk outside: fitness, catching some sunshine, fresh air, beautiful scenery or training for an event.  But when we put our feet through a lot, we can end up with foot-related problems. Some of these make grim reading, but don’t worry, it’s good to be aware of them so you know what to do if you get any issues.

Migraines are such a headache

We are constantly absorbing medical research at The Arch Clinic and one subject particularly close to our hearts is migraines.  It’s a widespread condition with debilitating consequences, but one we treat daily with great results – so let’s talk migraines.

The sheer unpleasantness of a migraine

20 years.  That’s the average length of time that patients suffer with migraines in their lives according to one study.

Did you know that our guts and our brains talk to each other?

Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach when you were excited or nervous?  Perhaps you had a “gut feeling” that helped you form an opinion?  There’s a physical reason for this…

Your gut and brain are physically connected through millions of nerves, the best known of which is the vagus nerve – the longest nerve originating from the brain: an information superhighway.